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A Debt Collector Is Harassing Me

92 bytes added, 00:13, 27 September 2011
First steps
== First steps ==
# If a professional debt collector It is breaking one of important to put an immediate stop to the rules described abovecalls, tell them soand take control of negotiating a solution. If they don’t stopyou are not able to do this seek immediate legal help or contact Consumer Protection BC. In any event, record the dates, times and content of the all communications they have with you and others about the debt. (Consider using the free Star-57 (dial <nowiki>*</nowiki>57) program from Telus to trace calls made to you from the debt collector).
# Try to negotiate payments with the debt collector. He or she will want to know your financial circumstances (income, expenses, assets and liabilities). You should not agree to a payment that deprives you or your family of basic needs or give out personal information other than financial information.
# If you are unable to negotiate a repayment plan with the debt collector, see the section of this guide entitled, [[I don't have enough money to pay my debts]].
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