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Introduction to Law for Victims of Crime (4:I)

352 bytes added, 23:55, 7 August 2016
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Victims of crime require a wide variety of assistance depending on their needs. This chapter will outline the avenues an individual can take to address being a victim of crime.
Sexual harassment is considered a form of sex discrimination under human rights legislation. Canadian human rights law imposes a statutory duty on employers to provide a safe and healthy work environment. Corporate employers are also liable for sexual harassment. For more information, consult Chapter 6: Human Rights; and Chapter 9: Employment Law. In 2015, Parliament enacted the ''Canadian Victims Bill of Rights'', SC 2015, c 13, s 2 [CVBR], which CAME came into force on July 23, 2015. The CVBR recognizes victims of crime and their families deserve to be treated with compassion and respect, and have the right to be considered throughout the criminal justice system. In particular, the CVBR acknowledges victims of crime have the following rights:
*the right to information about the criminal justice system, the services and programs available to victims of crime and the complaint procedures available to victims when their rights have been infringed or denied
*the right to information about the status of criminal proceedings and information about hearings after the accused is found not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder or unfit to stand trial