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Schedule B Bylaws (Societies Act FAQs)

158 bytes added, 15:19, 20 September 2016
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==Are the Schedule B Bylaws compliant with the new ''Societies Act''?==
The Schedule B Bylaws are mostly compliant with the new Act. If your society has been using the Schedule B Bylaws and they have been working for you, it is likely that (aside from , you will not have to change your bylaws. The society may want to do some minor housekeeping and updating)however, you will the new Act does not have require a Society to adopt the new model bylaws. If the society decides to change your their bylawsthey can do so at any time after transition. Furthermore, these changes do not have to be made upon or before transition. They can be made after transition.
The Schedule B Bylaws can be found at [ BC Registry Services].