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Welfare Overpayments and Fraud (21:VII)

47 bytes added, 21:13, 28 October 2016
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When a person has received an overpayment from MSDSI for any form of benefit under the welfare legislation, the overpayment is a debt owed to the Crown. According to EAA, ss 27-28 andEAPWDA, ss 18-19, the government may recover the debt by deducting funds from subsequent payments of income assistance or pursuing a court action.
:'''NOTE:''' If a client faces a civil lawsuit for a welfare overpayment resulting from failure to provide complete or accurate information, refer him or her to a lawyer at the Community Legal Assistance Society.
== B. Repayment Agreements and notifications of other Overpayments ==
*or declare the person ineligible for assistance for three benefit months.
:'''NOTE:''' If a client has been charged criminally with welfare fraud, refer him or her to the Legal Services Society to apply for a legal aid criminal lawyer.  {{LSLAP Manual Navbox|type=chapters15-22}}