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2. Advocacy Resources
=== 2. Advocacy Resources ===
'''==== ARA Mental Health Action Research and Advocacy Association of Greater Vancouver'''====
Advocates for people with mental health concerns, addressing issues including income assistance, tenancy, employment, education, medical/dental, substance abuse, appeals and tribunals.
'''==== Access Pro Bono (Greater Vancouver and Victoria)'''====
Lawyers can sometimes provide representation at review panel hearings on a case by case basis.
'''==== Peer Navigation (Canadian Mental Health Association)'''====
Provides peer-based support on a wide breadth of issues surrounding mental health, housing, income assistance, legal aid and community connections.
'''==== Disability Alliance BC (formerly BC Coalition of People with Disabilities)'''====
*A self-help umbrella group that raises public awareness of issues affecting people with disabilities.
*A great resource for people with any type of disability (mental or physical) that can provide help with a wide range of legal and non-legal issues.
'''==== Disability Alliance BC Advocacy Access team'''====
Informs people with disabilities of their legal and social rights, provides lawyer referrals in disputes and holds educational workshops.
'''==== B.C Human Rights Clinic'''====
Provides informational services and an advocacy programme to protect human rights and prevent discrimination.
'''==== Community Legal Assistance Society (CLAS)’s Mental Health Law Program'''====
Provides information on civil commitment, procedure, the rights of mental patients and the MHA amendments. Other CLAS programs provide free legal services in specific areas such as tenants’ rights, E.I., W.BC and human rights.
'''==== British Columbia Review Board'''====
Makes review dispositions where individuals charged with criminal offences have been given verdicts of not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder or unfit to stand trial on account of mental disorder, by a court.
'''==== COAST Foundation Society'''====
Provides a variety of mental health services, including a mental health resource centre and community or shared housing options.
'''==== Crisis Centre of Greater Vancouver'''====
24 hour hotline that provides emotional support for clients in distress and refers them to other resources for food, shelter, counselling and legal advice. '''Please note this is not a counselling hotline.'''
'''==== The Kettle Friendship Society'''====
A non-profit agency providing support and services to those suffering from mental illness. Services include providing housing assistance, employment advocacy and an on-site health clinic.
'''==== Motivation, Power, and Achievement Society (MPA)'''====
Offers information, counselling and representation for Review panels.
'''==== Nidus Personal Planning Resource Centre and Registry'''====
*A non-profit organization that provides information about personal planning, specializing in Representation Agreements and operates a centralized Registry for personal planning documents.
*Website includes self-help guides and templates.