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Ten Steps to Being an Executor

174 bytes added, 18:31, 17 March 2017
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* If the will includes a '''trust''', take steps to ensure that the assets that form part of the trust are properly invested or kept in a safe place.
{{PLSTipsboxOmbox| type = | image = [[File:Tip.jpg |link=]]| style = width: {{{width|50%}}}; background:#ffffff; border:1px solid black; right| textstyle = font-size:100% | text = <div>A trust is a part of the estate that is set aside in the will for a beneficiary, often a child, on certain terms. For many estates, the executor is often also the trustee. The trustee is responsible for:
* making sure that all the assets that form part of the trust are properly invested or kept in a safe place,
* filing annual trust tax returns, and
* making payments to the beneficiary of the trust as directed by the will. </div>