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Legal Help for British Columbians

6,645 bytes added, 23:59, 21 December 2012
[[Image:Legalhelpguidecover.png|thumb|250px|right|alt=Legal Help for British Columbians|Cover of Legal Help for British Columbians]]
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| text = This is a [[Clicklaw wikibooks|Clicklaw wikibook]], an experiment in collaborative publishing. As a wikibook, the Guide is available as a free online resource (this wiki), which was also used to produce a printed book.

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| style = width:260px;clear: right;float: right;
| text = Download the [ full Guide in PDF] (current to November 2011).
[[Image:Legalhelpguidemasthead.png|260px|right|link=Legal Help Guide Contributors|alt=Contributors to Legal Help for British Columbians]]

A guide for non-legal professionals in British Columbia to learn where to direct clients when legal problems occur. It can also be used directly by those seeking assistance with their legal problem.

== Contents ==


=== Getting Started ===
* [[Know any good lawyers?]]

=== Common Legal Problems ===

*'''[[Complaints about Police and Other Authorities]]'''
**[[I was harassed or assaulted by the police]]{{·}} [[A provincial government worker was abusive to me]]{{·}} [[A federal government worker was abusive to me]]{{·}} [[I was abused in a Residential School]]

*'''[[Consumer and Debt]]'''
**[[I don't have enough money to pay my debts]]{{·}} [[The bank is threatening foreclosure on my home]]{{·}} [[A debt collector is harassing me]]{{·}} [[I bought a product from a door-to-door salesperson and no longer want it]]{{·}} [[My car broke down and the dealer won’t fix it]]

*'''[[Criminal Law]]'''
**[[I've been charged with a criminal (or youth) offence and have to go to court|I've been charged with a criminal offence and have to go to court]]{{·}} [[I've been accused of a criminal offence and have been offered "diversion", "restorative justice" or "alternative measures"|I've been offered "diversion"]]{{·}} [[I've been charged with a criminal (or youth) offence and want to change my release conditions so I can have contact with my spouse or children|I want to change my release conditions]]{{·}} [[ I've been charged with a criminal (or youth) offence out-of-town and want to move the case closer to home|I want to move my criminal case closer to home]]{{·}} [[I have a criminal record and want to get a pardon]].

*'''[[Employment Law]]'''
**[[My employer isn't paying my wages]] {{·}} [[I have been dismissed (fired) without just cause]]{{·}} [[I've been turned down for Employment Insurance benefits]] {{·}} [[I've been cut off workers' compensation benefits]]

*'''[[Family Law]]'''
**[[I have a family problem and I want to resolve it out of court]]{{·}} [[I just separated from the other parent of my children]]{{·}} [[My partner is abusing me and my kids]]{{·}} [[My ex is not paying child support]]{{·}} [[I am having challenges with my children and don't want the Ministry to remove them]]{{·}} [[The Ministry has taken my kids]]

**[[My landlord wants to evict me]]

*'''[[Human Rights]]'''
**[[I am being discriminated against or sexually harassed]]

**[[I want to claim refugee status in Canada]] {{·}} [[I'm a permanent resident and have been charged with a criminal offence]] {{·}} [[My husband sponsored me and we have now separated]]

*'''[[Mental Health]]'''
**[[A relative has been held against their will in a mental health facility]]

*'''[[Suing and Being Sued]]'''
**[[I am being sued—what should I expect?|I am being sued]]{{·}} [[I need to take someone to court—what's the process?|I need to take someone to court]]

*'''[[Welfare and Disability]]'''
**[[I have no money for food or shelter]]{{·}} [[I have been denied or cut off welfare]] {{·}} [[I need to apply for disability benefits]] {{·}} [[I'm being investigated by the welfare Ministry]]

*'''[[Wills and Estates]]'''
**[[I want to write a will]]{{·}} [[I am the executor or administrator of an estate]]{{·}} [[I want to help a friend or relative manage their affairs]]

=== Resource List ===

* A [[Resource List|list of the best sources]] of legal information and help available for low-income British Columbians

=== Preparing for Your Interview ===

* A [[Preparing for Your Interview|sample form]] to help you prepare for meetings with a lawyer or an advocate

== About this Guide==

This Guide is the first "Clicklaw wikibook", which features a free, accessible online resource (this wiki version of the Guide) that is also used to produce a printed book. Learn more about [[Clicklaw wikibooks]].

Leading the writing of this Guide is founding author [[Cliff Thorstenson]], who worked a [[Legal Help Guide Contributors|team of lawyers and editors]] in updating the Guide on this wiki.

==Launch of the Guide as a Clicklaw Wikibook==

This Guide was launched as an online resource in March 2012 as the first Clicklaw wikibook:

* Clicklaw blog posting "[ Clicklaw Wikibook – Legal Help for British Columbians, 3rd Edition]"
* [ Legal Help Guide Announcement], a one sheeter describing the Guide
* "[ BC lawyers help launch public legal help guide in Clicklaw wikibook format]", a Courthouse Libraries BC news release

==Creative Commons==

[[Image:Creativecommons.png|left|alt=Creative Commons Licence]]Legal Help for British Columbians by Courthouse Libraries BC and Cliff Thorstenson is licensed under a [ Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada License].

This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this work non-commercially, as long as they credit Courthouse Libraries BC and Cliff Thorstenson and license their new creations under the identical terms.

== Additional Resources==
Find additional plain language, practical legal information on [ Clicklaw].

Find law-related help on the [ Clicklaw HelpMap].
[[Category:Navigation page]]