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How Do I Find Court Forms?

718 bytes added, 17:00, 20 July 2018
Added more resources for help with filling out forms
==What if you are having technical trouble filling in your form?==
Filling in the PDF version of the forms can be quite tricky and frustrating. The following online guides may be helpful:* The Ministry of Attorney General site has a [ guide for tips on how to use the forms]. * Legal Services Society site has answers to [ common problems with using the Supreme Court PDF Forms]. However, if you are still having trouble with the online forms, contact one of the services listed you may need in -person help. Find out who can help using the list below:* Amici Curiae has [ legal forms workshops], where their paralegal volunteers provide free help with completing court forms.* Legal Services Society site has a [ list of people/organizations] who can help with filling out court forms for family law cases.* The section [[Where Can I Find Help with My Legal Problem? | Where Can I Find Help with My Legal Problem?]]tells you about a range of services in BC that can offer assistance with your legal situation, which may include help with the online forms.
The PDF forms are subject to several web browser restrictions. The Supreme Court has the following guidelines for making sure the forms function properly on your computer: