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How Do I Find Out About Court Procedures?

5 bytes removed, 20:34, 30 August 2018
Added Clicklaw's PC guide on family court, rearrange the order of guides & replaced the links with Clicklaw listings
==Family Law in Provincial and Supreme Courts==
*[ Provincial Court Resources for Everyone: Family Court]*[ JP Boyd on Family Law: Resolving Family Law Problems in Court]*Family Law in BC guides:**[ Which guide should I choose? Is there a self-help guide for my situation?]**[http 4069 Coping with the court process]**[http 4070 Preparing to attend courtSupreme Court]**[http 4071 Tips for conducting your Supreme Court trial]**[http 4072 What happens at a Supreme Court trial?]*[ Resolving Family Law Problems in Court]
==BC Human Rights Tribunal==