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Agreements after Separation

24 bytes added, 22:43, 3 June 2019
Spousal support
*a fixed length of time over which support will be paid, after which the payor will have no more responsibility to pay,
*an indefinite amount of time that support will be paid, with one or more dates set for spousal support to be reviewed,
*a series of graduated payments, so that the recipient receives a declining amount of support as they re-enters enter the work force,
*the termination of support if the recipient enters a new spousal relationship, or
*the payment of support in a single, lump sum.
In some situations, of course, permanent support may be required, especially if the relationship was lengthy or if the recipient is unlikely ever to become self-sufficient because of illness, for example.
Some agreements also provide that no spousal support will be payable. If you are the spouse who would ordinarily be entitled to receive support, you need to be pretty confident that the agreement to waive spousal support is fair as it may be very difficult to get support later on if your personal circumstances change.
===The division of property and debt===