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How Do I Conduct Myself in Court at an Application?

25 bytes added, 19:21, 23 July 2019
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[[File:CourtroomSeatingChart.png||left|link=|Layout and seating arrangements in typical courtroom]]
The drawing here shows how most courtrooms are laid out. In some courtrooms the witness box <span class="noglossary">will</span> be on the right rather than the left. Other courtrooms may have seating for a jury; others may have a separate entrance and seating for the criminally accused; others may have a very small or a very large area for the gallery.
===Checking in===
Get to the courthouse about 20 minutes ahead of the time shown on your Notice of Application or Notice of Hearing. In the Provincial Court, hearings generally start at 9:3030am. In the Supreme Court, the court day starts at 10:0000am.
Somewhere around the entrance to the courthouse there <span class="noglossary">will</span> be a bulletin board with lists of all the hearings that are going on that day and that note which courtroom each hearing is in. Find your courtroom, and get there early.
The clerk <span class="noglossary">will</span> open the courtroom about 10 or 15 minutes before the court day starts. Enter the courtroom and walk to where the clerk sits. Tell the clerk who you are. The clerk <span class="noglossary">will</span> find your file on the day's list and <span class="noglossary">will</span> ask you how long you expect the hearing to take.
Walk up to the long table in front of the clerk, and take a position to the right or left. It usually doesn't matter which side you choose.
While you're doing this, the judge <span class="noglossary">will</span> probably be taking some notes. Remain <span class="noglossary">standing</span> until the judge looks up from their notes. The person who is making the application, the ''applicant'', should introduce themself themselves first, followed by the other person, the ''respondent'', introducing themselfthemselves:
<blockquote>Applicant: "Good morning, my name is Jane Doe and this is my application."</blockquote>
The judge, the court clerk , and the other party are deserving of your respect and courtesy. Plus, you really want the judge to think well of you. Here are some general guides.
For women, something along the line of business casual <span class="noglossary">will</span> do. It doesn't matter whether you're wearing a dress, skirt , or slacks. Avoid excessively casual clothing like jogging suits, sweatshirts, runners , and such. If you feel driven to wear make-up, remember that you're going to a formal event, not a night out at the Roxy.
Men should also think business casual. If you have a sport jacket, wear that along with a clean pair of pants. Ties and proper suits are nice but not necessary at all. Your shirt should be of the button-up variety and not have a beer logo on it. Don't wear a hat in court.
*Don't interrupt, no matter how much you want to. Interrupting is rude and makes the transcript impossible to read, if it needs to be read. Above all, never interrupt the judge.
*Don't use foul language. Be polite and courteous at all times.
*Never say that the other side is "lying" or is a "liar." There's usually a better way of getting your point across, without using harsh, judgmental language like that. Say, "my understanding of events is that..." or "perhaps Mr. Smith misremembers what happened, . I recall that..."
*Stay calm at all times. No outbursts!
*By the same token, don't make faces or grunt when the other person is talking. You <span class="noglossary"><span class="noglossary">will</span></span> have your chance to reply; rolling your eyes is not going to convince the judge that you're right.