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How Do I Prepare for Separation?

69 bytes added, 22:27, 26 July 2019
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==Personal matters==
Open If you know you are going to separate, open a new bank <span class="noglossary">account</span>, in your own name, at a new bank, preferably a different one than your family uses. It's also a good idea for you to arrange for your personal mail to be sent elsewhere, like to a friend or a post-office box. You can file a notice of change of address with the post office and they <span class="noglossary">will</span> automatically redirect your mail for you. Finally, no matter how stressful your home situation is, don't quit work. You <span class="noglossary">will</span>, in all likelihood, need the income in the near future.
==Leaving home==
==Saving money for a lawyer==
If you're worried about your spouse noticing from your credit card or bank statements that you've seen a lawyer, there's an easy way to save up enough for a small retainer fee or the cost of an initial interview with a lawyer. Each time you take out money to buy groceries or clothing, keep a small amount aside, in cash, and save it in a place your spouse won't easily find. If a store lets you take extra cash when you pay with your debit card, take out as much as you can an amount that won't raise suspicion each time you go to that store. Safeway Many grocery stores and most provincial liquor stores <span class="noglossary">will</span> let you take extra cash out when you buy things.
It may take a while to save up enough money this way, but at least your spouse <span class="noglossary"></span> is less likely to find out.