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Married Spouses and the Law on Marriage

57 bytes added, 23:13, 26 February 2020
Void marriages
==Void marriages==
A marriage that is void ''ab initio'', — void "from the beginning," — is void as if it had never been celebratedoccurred. In general, an application to the court is not required to dissolve a A marriage that is will be void ''ab initio'' since such marriages are void from the get-go. However, you may have to apply for a declaration that your marriage is void if someone is making a claim against you based on the fact that you are supposed to be married.:
A #one or both spouses were seven years old or younger (the absolute minimum age required to consent to marry under the old common law) at the time of the marriage will be void ''ab initio'' if:;#the spouses were within the prohibited degree of relatedness;#one or both of the spouses did not have the mental capacity to marry; or,#one or both of the spouses were already married at the time of the marriage.
*one or both spouses were seven years old or younger (In general, an application to the absolute minimum age court is not required to consent to marry under dissolve a marriage that is void ''ab initio'' since void marriages are void from the old common law)get-go. However,*the spouses were within the prohibited degree of relatedness,*one or both of you may want to apply to court for a ''declaration'' that your marriage is void if someone is making a claim against you based on the spouses did not have the mental capacity fact that you are supposed to marry, or*one or both of the spouses were already be married at the time of the marriage.
It is important to know that even if a marriage is declared void, the parties may still have certain legal rights and obligations towards each other if as long as they qualify as "spouses" under the provincial ''[[Family Law Act]]''.
==Voidable marriages==