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Separating Emotionally

211 bytes added, 23:43, 12 March 2020
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| resourcetype = more information on
| link = [ Divorce and Separation basics]
}}The previous section discussed the law about separation. This section talks about the emotional dimensions of separation. The laws Although the section "[[Separation and the Law on Separation]]" goes into the legal dimensions of separation in a lot of detail, the law and the courts only deal with a narrow slice of all the things that go on when a relationship ends and often ignore, because they must, the larger emotional and psychological issues. Even though the law doesn't talk about them, these issues sometimes have a huge influence on people's ability to work together after separation and often play an important role in determining how separating adults will go about resolving their legal problems and the length of time it takes to find that resolution. An understanding of the emotions involved in separation can help to reduce conflict and the cost of resolving the legal issues arising from separation.
These issues, however, influence a couple's ability to work together after separation and often play a huge role in determining how a separating couple will go about resolving their legal problems. An understanding of the emotions involved in separation can help to reduce conflict and the cost of resolving the legal issues involved in separation.  This section applies to people in both married and unmarried couplesrelationships. It provides an introduction to separating emotionallythe emotional aspects of separation, looks at the grieving process that accompanies the end of a long-term relationship, and discusses how the emotional aspects of emotions involved in separation can impact on the resolution of wrapping up the legal issues a couple people might have to deal with.