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Divorce and the Law on Getting Divorced

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The joint divorce application
===The joint divorce application===
The joint divorce application process is almost exactly the same as the sole divorce application process, except that some of the forms are different, service is not required, and the length of time it takes to get a divorce is about four to eight weeks in total.The main differences that set the joint application apart from the sole application process are:
The main differences that set the joint application apart from the sole application process are:  *The parties are known as ''Claimant 1'' and ''Claimant 2''.*A #a special form, called the [[Form F1 Notice of Joint Family Claim | Notice of Joint Family Claim]], is required.;*Both #both parties sign the Notice of Joint Family Claim.;*The #the Notice of Joint Family Claim does not doesn't need to be served on anyone, and there is 's no waiting period that must pass before the application for the divorce order can be made.;*Both #both parties must swear an affidavit in support of the application for the divorce order.; and,*All #all of the documents can be filed at once, although at least one of the affidavits in support of the application must be sworn after everything else is filed, even if only by a few minutes.
If either party withdraws from the joint application process before the divorce order is made, there's a problem. Read the discussion in "What happens if a response or counterclaim are filed?" at the end of this section.
Note that relatively recently the The Ministry of Justice introduced an [ online application] to help those without children apply for joint divorce.
These <span class="noglossary">instructions</span> are for the joint divorce application process: