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Resolving Family Law Problems in Court

46 bytes added, 18:51, 3 April 2020
An overview of court proceedings in civil matters
<blockquote>'''The claimant files a reply.''' The claimant has a certain amount of time after receiving the counterclaim to reply to any claim made by the respondent by filing a ''reply'' in court. The reply says which of the orders sought by the respondent are agreed to by the claimant and which are opposed. The claimant's reply must be delivered to the respondent.</blockquote>
<blockquote>'''The parties exchange information.''' Next, the parties gather the information and documents they need to explain why they should have the orders they are asking for. Because trials are not run like an ambush, the parties must exchange their information and documents well ahead of trial. This way everyone knows exactly what is going on and how strong each person’s case is. If financial matters are in dispute, one of the key documents you will need to exchange is a sworn financial statement. There are different processes in Supreme Court and Provincial Court for exchanging information. For more details, see the section [[Starting a Court Proceeding in a Family Matter]] in this chapter.</blockquote>
<blockquote>'''The parties attend Case Conferencescase conferences.''' ''Case conferences'' are conferences that take place in front of a meetings with judge and to talk about the court proceeding. They often provide an opportunity for the parties to discuss talk about settlement possibilities option and obtain to ask for orders regarding about steps in the conduct of court proceeding as the court proceedingheads to trial. For more about case conferences, see the section about [[Case Conferences in a Family Law Matter | Case Conferences]] in this chapter. </blockquote>
<blockquote>'''Each party is examined answers questions out of court.''' In court proceedings before the Supreme Court, each party is usually required to attend an ''examination for discovery'', which you may   After the documents have been exchanged, in Supreme Court proceedings each party will schedule an examination of the other party. An examination is an opportunity to ask questions about the facts and the issues out of court so that everyone knows the evidence that will be given at the trial. This is also an opportunity to ask for more documents.</blockquote>
<blockquote>'''Go to trial.''' Assuming that settlement isn't possible, the only way to resolve the court proceeding is to have a trial. At the trial, each of the parties will present their evidence and explain to the judge why the judge should make the orders asked for. The judge may make a decision resolving the decision on the spot; most often, however, the judge will want to think about the evidence and the parties' arguments and will give a written decision later (often weeks or even months later).</blockquote>