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The Provincial Court
The form you must use is Form 3, set out in the [ Provincial Court Family Rules]. Your Reply must be filed in the same court registry that the Application to Obtain an Order was filed in. The court clerk will take care of delivering your Reply to the applicant.
===Deadline for the The applicant's Reply to your Reply===
If you have asked for any orders in your Reply, the application has 30 days after receiving your Reply to complete and file their own Reply. The applicant's Reply is also in Form 3. The applicant may:
Certain registries have special programs or requirements that are unique to that registry. For example, the Provincial Court in Victoria has the [[Victoria Early Resolution and Case Management Model]], and that project is discussed in the [[Family Law Trials in Provincial Court|Trials in the Provincial Court]] section of this chapter. In other registries, you may be required to take the Parenting After Separation program. The registry will inform you of any special requirements when you file.
=== The Parenting After Separation program===
In certain registries of the Provincial Court, the parties to a court proceeding must meet with a family justice counsellor and, if children are involved, attend a [ Parenting After Separation] program before they can take any further steps in their case. This rule may apply even if you're asking for a default judgment or an order everyone agrees to, called a ''consent order''. The registry will tell you what is needed. If necessary, the registry will refer you to a family justice counsellor and tell you where the Parenting After Separation program is offered.