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The Legislation on Family Law

1 byte added, 01:39, 19 November 2020
Two important statutes, one important regulation and one influential paper
You'll see that this rule is broken down into smaller bits. These are called '''subsections'''. If someone was talking about the last part of section 23, they would say "section 23, subsection 2" or "section 23 sub 2." In writing, you would put "section 23(2)." (Just as ''chapter'' is abbreviated as '''c.''', ''section'' is abbreviated as '''s.''' If we are talking about more than one section, ''sections'' is abbreviated as '''ss.''' ''Subsection'' is abbreviated as '''s-s.''' and the plural is written as '''s-ss.''')
Long statutes like the ''Family Law Act'' sometimes have their subject matter broken into big chunks called '''parts'''. In the ''Family Law Act'', Part 3 is titled "Parentage" and has all of the rules about deciding who the parents of a child are. Part 4 is titled "Care of and Time with Children" and has all the rules about parenting children. Long parts are sometimes broken into smaller chunks called '''divisions'''. Part 4 of the ''Family Law Act'' includes Division 2: Parenting Arrangements , and Division 3: Guardianship. Part 4, Division 2 has all of the rules about parental responsibilities, parenting time and contact, while Part 4, Division 3 has all the rules about appointing and removing people as the guardians of a child.
In this resource, we don't worry about using the full legal titles of legislation, and we mostly talk about sections rather than parts and divisions.