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Separating Emotionally

5 bytes added, 06:03, 26 January 2021
The "angry separation"
These people have the hardest time dealing with each other and the legal issues they have to resolve, as they tend to focus on ''fault'' and ''blame'', and are often unable to stop themselves from lashing out hurtfully. Resolving the issues arising from the end of a long-term relationship is the most difficult for these individuals, and they are the most likely to get involved in protracted, ugly litigation.
People in an angry separation, particularly those with children, generally need to both get professional help in dealing with the emotional fallout from the end of their relationship, if they are to avoid court, and learn to cope with each other and their feelings in the months and years to come.
Angry separations are the sort that lawyers most often wind up dealing with. The epic battles of people engaged in an angry separation can barely be described, and involve repeated trips to court, hiring expensive experts and trials that often last longer than ten days. The legal issues arising from their separation are rarely concluded in less than three years, and, when there are children, can run for six or more years! Making things worse, trials rarely provide a meaningful conclusion to the hostilities, as high-conflict people often find themselves back in court over and over again afterward.