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Family Law Act

1 byte added, 21:57, 24 March 2021
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Section 1 of the act defines a ''child'' as "a person who is under 19 years of age." Section 146 expands that definition for the part of the act about child support, and says that "'child' includes a person who is 19 years of age or older and unable, because of illness, disability or another reason, to obtain the necessaries of life or withdraw from the charge of his or her parents or guardians." ("Other reason" usually means that the adult child is going to college or university.)
The same section expands the definition of ''parent'' for the purposes of child support. Under this definition , "parent" can include someone who is a ''stepparent''. A "stepparent" is "a person who is a spouse of the child's parent and lived with the child's parent and the child during the child's life."
Section 39 says who is assumed to be the ''guardian'' of a child: