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Family Law Act Basics

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Reviews of spousal support
===Reviews of spousal support===
It can sometimes be very difficult to figure out when spousal support should end, despite the help provided by the [[The Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines]]. The person getting support usually wants support to continue for as long as possible. The person paying support wants support to end as soon as possible. It is hard to settle on an end date if, for example, it’s not known when a spouse <span class="noglossary">will</span> finish job training, become self-sufficient, or recover from an illness.
People often try to avoid this problem by agreeing that spousal support <span class="noglossary">will</span> be paid for now, but that support <span class="noglossary">will</span> be reconsidered in a ''review'', after a certain amount of time has passed or when a certain event has happened. The ''[[Family Law Act]]'' says that agreements and orders for spousal support can be ''reviewable''. Agreements and orders for reviewable spousal support can specify:
#the factors that <span class="noglossary">will</span> be considered at the review.
The ''[[Family Law Act]]'' says that a review can also be triggered when someone begins to receive a pension, even if the agreement or order for spousal support doesn’t call for the review.
===How are orders for spousal support changed?===