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Parenting Apart

No change in size, 07:30, 12 July 2021
A few notes from JP Boyd
I am not a psychologist, a psychiatrist, or a counsellor. As a result, this section should be read with a grain of salt, as it's based largely on my observations of my clients' experiences and a healthy dose of common sense. For the same reason, you are cautioned that this section should not be used as an authority on parenting. The goal of this section is simply to provide some information that may be helpful for parents to consider as they make decisions about parenting after separation.
There are lots of [ parenting after separation programs] offered by trained psychologists and counsellors available throughout British Columbia, as well as some very good [ online programs] developed by the Justice Institute of British Columbia. Other good programs are available from other provinces, including Alberta's [ Parenting After Separation for Families in High Conflict ] program]. If you are separating or have separated, I highly recommend that you take one of these programs. No matter how good — or bad! — you think your relationship is with your ex-partner, these programs are usually very helpful. Also, in some cases, you may find yourself being ordered to attend a parenting after separation program by the court.
==Children and parenting apart==