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Having Children with Assisted Reproduction

1 byte removed, 22:12, 29 July 2021
*the cooperation of a woman who will carry the baby to term as a surrogate mother.
The federal ''[ Assisted Human Reproduction Act]'' regulates the scientific and commercial aspects of assisted reproduction. From a family law perspective, the important parts of this act make it illegal to sell eggs or sperm, and says say that a surrogate mother can't be given money for her services apart from compensation for her expenses.
The provincial ''[[Family Law Act]]'' lets people who are having a child by assisted reproduction decide who will and won't be a legal parent of their child, by making an agreement in writing before the child is conceived. (This part of the act is awesome because it lets people decide who the parents of a child will be, for ''all'' purposes of the law of British Columbia, without having to go to court to get an order saying who the parents of a child are.) Under the ''Family Law Act'', a child can have up to six legal parents if everyone agrees: