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Family Law Agreements

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Negotiating the terms of an agreement
Family law agreements are about really important things like where the children will live, who will pay support to whom, and how the parties will divide their property and debts. As a result, the terms of the agreement are almost always the result of lots of talking and negotiating. It is critical that:
#*each person has all of the information that is necessary to figure out what's a good deal and what's not,#*each person understands their legal rights and obligations to know what's a good deal and what's not,#*each person is able to express their views and contribute when negotiating the agreement, and#*there is no pressure to reach an agreement on either party, beyond the importance of reaching a reasonable agreement and saving money on legal fees and court <span class="noglossary">costs</span>.
Properly negotiating and entering into a family law agreement isn't simply a matter of putting the important parts on paper and signing the document. There must be fairness in the way an agreement is negotiated, fairness in the way it is drafted, and fairness in the way it is signed. The people who are negotiating the agreement must be able to understand the agreement, be capable of agreeing to it, and agree to it voluntarily. This is what section 93(3) of the ''[[Family Law Act]]'' says about agreements for the division of property and debt: