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Changing Family Law Agreements

4 bytes added, 22:29, 7 September 2021
The ''[[Family Law Act]]'' doesn't provide a specific test to change an agreement appointing a parent as the guardian of a child. (Only parents can be appointed as guardians by agreement. Other people who want to become a guardian of a child have to apply for a court order appointing them as a guardian.) However, if a problem about a guardianship agreement comes up, you could ask for an order that "provides differently for the same subject matter" under section 214(3), in which case the court order replaces the guardianship agreement.
Under section 37(1) of the act, the court must make decisions about guardianship considering only the best interests of the child. The factors the court must think about are listed at section 37(2) of the act and, when family violence is a factor, at section 38 as well.