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Changing Family Law Agreements

4 bytes added, 22:31, 7 September 2021
Parental responsibilities, parenting time and contact
Under the federal ''[[Divorce Act]]'', married spouses have ''decision-making responsibilities'' for their children, and the schedule of their time with the children is called ''parenting time''. People who are not married spouses may have ''contact'' with a child.
Under the provincial ''[[Family Law Act]]'', guardians, who may or may not be parents, have ''parental responsibilities'' for raising the children, and the schedule of their time with the children is called ''parenting time''. People who are not guardians, including parents who are not guardians, may have ''contact'' with a child.
Decision-making responsibilities means more or less the same thing as parental responsibilities, although the ''Family Law Act'' goes into a lot more detail about the sort of decisions that parental responsibilities includes than the ''Divorce Act'' does. The court will think about agreements that talk about decision-making responsibilities as if the agreement was about parental responsibilities.