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Resolving Family Law Problems out of Court

8 bytes added, 17:43, 9 September 2021
The legislation on family law problems and out-of-court options
==The legislation on family law problems and out-of-court options==
Both the federal ''[[Divorce Act]]'' and British Columbia's ''[[Family Law Act]]'' now talk about the importance of resolving legal disputes out of court.
This is a big change from how the law used to be. Before 2020, all the ''Divorce Act'' had to say about this issue was to require lawyers to discuss with their clients "the advisability of negotiating the matters that may be the subject of a support order or a custody order and to inform the spouse of the mediation facilities known to him or her that might be able to assist the spouses in negotiating those matters." The old ''Family Relations Act'', the law in British Columbia before the ''Family Law Act'' came into force in 2013, didn't say a word about mediation or the other alternatives to court.