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Resolving Family Law Problems out of Court

134 bytes added, 22:29, 19 October 2021
* [ Family Law Act explained] from the Government of British Columbia*[ Divorce Act Changes Explained]from the Government of Canada*[ Early Resolution Process]*[ Lawyer Directory]* [ BC Collaborative Roster Society]*[ Collaborative Family Separation Professionals]* [ BC Parenting Coordinators Roster Society]from the Government of British Columbia*[ Family Justice Counsellors]*[ Collaborative Divorce Vancouver Society] *[ Collaborative Law Group from the Government of Nelson] *[ Okanagan Collaborative Family Law Group]*[ The Collaborative Association]*[ North Shore Probono]British Columbia
*[ Unbundled Legal Services] from the People's Law School
*[ Mediate BC website for Family Mediation Services]from Mediate BC*[ Family Law Mediators] from the Law Society of BC's webpage on Family Law Mediators]
*[ Settling Out of Court] from Justice Education Society of BC
*[ Resolving Disputes Without Going to Court] from Dial-a-Law by the People's Law School
*[ Mediation - Child protection and Aboriginal Families] from Legal Aid BC
*[ Virtual Pro Bono Conflict Resolution Clinics] from Mediate BC
*[ Collaborative Divorce Vancouver Society] *[ Collaborative Law Group of Nelson] *[ Okanagan Collaborative Family Law Group]*[ The Collaborative Association]*[ North Shore Probono]*[ Lawyer Directory]*[ BC Collaborative Roster Society]*[ Collaborative Family Separation Professionals]*[ BC Parenting Coordinators Roster Society]