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Collaborative Negotiation

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Financial disclosure
As in all family law dispute resolution processes, honest, accurate and up-to-date financial disclosure is essential. The lawyers will work with the parties to make full disclosure of all relevant documents and information. The sort of documents that are most often important in making financial disclosure include:
#*statements for bank accounts, retirement savings accounts, investment accounts, and other financial accounts;,#*current statements for debts including loans, mortgages, and credit cards;,#*income tax returns, along with notices of assessment and any notices of reassessment;,#*corporate financial statements and corporate tax returns; , and,#*statements of the parties' current incomes.
The parties provide their documents and information to the collaborative team on the express understanding that all discussions and negotiations in the collaborative process are private and confidential. In fact, this is a requirement of the ''[[Family Law Act]]'' as well. Section 5 says that: