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Family Law Mediation

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Exchanging documents and information
Financial information is often provided in the form of a ''financial statement''. Financial statements provide the details of someone's income and expenses, and assets and liabilities, and may be prepared using a form supplied by the mediator or one of the court forms designed for this purpose. Supporting documents will need to be provided, usually consisting of things like:
#*personal income tax returns, notices of assessment and any notices of reassessments;,#*paystubs or other proof of income;,#*property assessments or appraisals; , #*bank and credit card account statements; , and,#*corporate financial statements and income tax returns.
It is critical that both parties are honest and forthcoming about their finances. Nothing will damage the mediation process and the chances of reaching settlement more than the <span class="noglossary">discovery</span> that someone is hiding information or acting in bad faith.