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Separating Emotionally

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Parenting after separation
It's impossible to emphasize enough how important it is to always put the children first. This may sound a bit trite, but putting the children ahead of yourself can be an extremely challenging task when you are also trying to cope with the intense emotions involved in separation. It can be tremendously difficult to refrain from badmouthing your former partner to the children, "forgetting" to drop them off on time, or using them as a weapon in your dispute.
The [http Parenting After Separation Program] is available throughout British Columbia. In my view, all couples with children can benefit from this program, no matter how well or poorly you think you and your former partner get along. The program is free and available online. It offers important advice about talking to your children about the separation, talking about your ex with the children, and talking with your ex in ways that avoid hurting and wounding each other and are focused on the children.
Information about parenting after separation, including <span class="noglossary">contact</span> information for the different agencies that offer the Parenting After Separation Program, is available in the [[Children and Parenting after Separation]] chapter, in the section [[Basic Principles of Parenting after Separation]]. As well, some very good studies about parenting after separation, the <span class="noglossary">cost</span> of high-conflict family law disputes, and other topics relating to children's wellbeing and outcomes after separation can be found on the website of the [ Department of Justice]. These papers are of a uniformly high quality and are well worth the read.