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Problems with Debt

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Sometimes, even when we try our best, we are not able to pay all our bills. This may be due to a variety of reasons. People can fall ill, or lose a job, or have unexpected expenses, like a rent increase. This section of the booklet provides information on where to get help and how to communicate with the people you owe money to.
==Where do I start?==
To deal with a debt problem, you first need to work out how much money you owe. To do this, make a list of all the people and companies you owe money to (your '''creditors'''). You need to collect the following information for each debt:
[[File:ConsumerLawGuidePage10A.jpg|250px300px|thumb|right]] :*the name and address of the creditor, :*name of the person you have been dealing with at each company, :*the account or reference number, and :*a copy of the original loan agreement you signed.
It is a good idea to keep the latest letter or statement for each debt together in one place so that you can easily find them if you need them.
'''Income:''' list all the income for your household. Make sure that the amounts are realistic. Include all of your current sources of income:
:*Wageswages:*Disability disability assistance:*Social social assistance:*A a family member’s or partner’s income:*Giftsgifts:*Child child tax credits / benefits:*Pensions pensions and old age security:*GST refunds
'''Expenses:''' the next thing you need to do is list all your expenses. Make sure that the amounts are realistic. Figure out all of your expenses on a weekly, monthly, or seasonal basis. Make sure you remember to include personal expenses, such as loans, restaurant meals or gym memberships, and household expenses, such as rent, groceries, cable, and utilities. When you make a list of your expenses, think about whether you may be able to make any cutbacks. If you can make cutbacks, this will make more money available for you to pay back your debts. When you have listed all your income and expenses, add up the figures and see if you have any money to spare to pay your creditors. If you have any money to spare, decide which debts are the most urgent ones, and which debts are less urgent. Pay off the most urgent debts right away. Then make a plan for how you are going to pay the less urgent debts.
==What can the Credit Counseling Society do to help me?==
 You may wish to contact the Credit Counseling Society for help in developing your plan to pay off the debts. You may also wish to write a letter to your creditors that explains what you have decided. You can contact the Credit Counseling Society online at []. They will look at your finances with you, and suggest options. You can call them toll free at 1.888.527.8999. The Society may be able to help you get into a debt repayment program to help you pay off your debt.
==How do I contact my creditors and what do I say?==
Sometimes the person you owe money to has turned the debt over to a debt collection agency. There are laws that protect debtors from what a debt collector can do. For example, there are strict limits on contacting your family or your employer, and you have a right to tell a collector to stop phoning you altogether.
For more information about debt collectors, contact the Credit Counseling Society. Toll -free at 1.-888.-527.-8999. Find more helpful information and links on "[[Helpful Information and Linksfor Consumers|Helpful Information and Links]]" section of this publication.
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