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Basic Principles of Parenting after Separation

1,379 bytes added, 21:50, 1 August 2022
*The parent most likely to have the children's primary residence, assuming that their parenting time is not shared, is the person who was the children's primary caregiver during the relationship.
*Each parent's character, fitness, ability to cooperate with the other parent, and overall capacity to parent may be considered in determining how parental responsibilities or decision-making responsibility is allocated, depending on the circumstances of the case and as long as issues like this are genuinely important and relevant.
*The court may consider each parent's mental and physical capacity in determining how parental responsibilities or decision-making responsibility is allocated, depending on the circumstances of the case and, again, as long as issues like this are genuinely important and relevant.
*Siblings will usually be kept together, although they can be separated when it would be in their best interests to live apart.
*Where the children are in a stable and satisfactory setting, the court will be reluctant to alter the status quo, unless the long-term interests of the children outweigh the benefits of disturbing their present stability.
*The court will generally take into <span class="noglossary">account</span> the preferences of children who are 10 or 11 years old or older, but the court will not be bound to follow the children's wishes.
Section 16(10) of the ''Divorce Act'' says this about making orders for custody and access: