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Changing parenting time and contact
*a child, particularly an older child, has expressed a wish to spend less or more time with a parent.
There are a number of ways that Applications to change orders, awards and agreements about parenting time and contact can be changed to address situations like theseunder the ''Divorce Act'' are made under section 17 of the act.
===Vague Applications to change orders about parenting schedules===time under the ''Family Law Act'' are made under section 47 of the act, and applications to change orders about contact are made under section 60. Applications to change awards about parenting time and contact are made under section 19.18(3). Applications to change agreements about parenting time are made under section 44(4) of the act, and applications to change agreements about contact are made under section 58(4).
Problems often crop up when an order or agreement says only that a parent will have liberal and generous time with a child, or sets a schedule that is too vague. In situations like this, it's too easy for a schedule not to work. What is liberal and generous time anyway? Who decides what is liberal and what is generous? Say an order or agreement says this:===Vague schedules===
<blockquote>Problems often crop up when an order, award or agreement says only that a party will have "liberal and generous time"Sally with a child, or sets a schedule that is too vague, like a schedule that says the children will have parenting be with a party "every other weekend." In situations like this, it's too easy for a schedule not to work. What is "liberal and generous time from " anyway? And who decides what is "liberal" and what is "generous?" When does the "weekend" start, Friday after school or after work, or on Saturday like the calendar says? What happens if there's a holiday Friday or Monday attached to Sunday.the weekend, does the "weekend"</blockquote>include the holiday as well?
When exactly does SallyWhile arrangements like these can work wonderfully well when the adults involved all get along well, have a good, positive attitude toward each other, and are prepared to nurture the children's access start? When does it end? Who is supposed relationships with each other, they tend to pick fall off the child rails when disagreements come up and drop her off? Is or the Sunday relationships between the Sunday immediately following adults get difficult. What's often needed then is to change the Friday order, award or agreement to make the Sunday a week later? A better order or schedule more specific and less ambiguous. For example, instead of an agreement would saythat says:
<blockquote>"Sally Morgan will have parenting time from Friday at 4:00pm or the end of the school day, whichever is earlier, to the following Sunday at 6:00pm, every other week. Sally will be responsible for picking the child up on Fridays and Bob will be responsible for picking the child up on Sundays."</blockquote>
You might try something like this: <blockquote>"Morgan will have parenting time from Friday at 4:00pm or the end of the school day, whichever is earlier, to the following Sunday at 6:00pm, every other week. Morgan will be responsible for picking the child up on Fridays and Pat will be responsible for picking the child up on Sundays."</blockquote> At least this nails down when the person's parenting time begins and ends, and who is responsible for doing the pick-ups. Even better would be an order or agreement that says: <blockquote>"Morgan will have the child from Friday at 4:00pm or the end of the school day, whichever is earlier, to the following Sunday at 6:00pm, every other week. If the Friday is a statutory holiday or a non-instructional school day, Morgan will have the child from Thursday at 4:00pm. If the Monday following the Sunday is a statutory holiday or a non-instructional school day, Morgan will have the child until Monday at 6:00pm.</blockquote><blockquote>"Morgan will be responsible for picking the child up at the beginning of her parenting time with the child and Pat will be responsible for picking the child up at the conclusion of Morgan's parenting time with the child.</blockquote><blockquote>"In the event that Morgan is unable to care for the child during their parenting time, Morgan will give at least two days' notice to Pat.</blockquote><blockquote>"On Fathers' Day, Morgan's parenting time with the child will be suspended from 10:00am to 2:00pm, during which time Pat will have the child.</blockquote><blockquote>"Morgan's parenting time with the child will be suspended during the summer, winter, and spring school holidays, during which periods the following special holiday parenting schedule will prevail ..."</blockquote> In general, the degree of specificity in a schedule for parenting time or contact is directly proportionate to the level of conflict between the parties. I have seen parents in extraordinarily high levels of conflict work out parenting schedules that go on for eight single-spaced pages in mind-numbing detail, and parents in very low levels of conflict who can effectively manage a parenting schedule contained in a single paragraph: <blockquote>"The parties will share the child's time on an alternating weekly basis."</blockquote>
<blockquote>"Sally will have the child from Friday at 4:00pm or the end of the school day, whichever is earlier, to the following Sunday at 6:00pm, every other week. If the Friday is a statutory holiday or a school professional development day, Sally will have the child from Thursday at 4:00pm. If the Monday following the Sunday is a statutory holiday or a school professional development day, Sally will have the child until Monday at 6:00pm.</blockquote>
<blockquote>"Sally will be responsible for picking the child up at the beginning of her access to the child and Bob will be responsible for picking the child up at the conclusion of Sally's access to the child.</blockquote>
<blockquote>"In the event that Sally is unable to care for the child during a scheduled access visit, Sally will give at least two days' notice to Bob.</blockquote>
<blockquote>"On Fathers' Day, Sally's parenting time with the child will be suspended from 10:00am to 2:00pm, during which time Bob will have the child.</blockquote>
<blockquote>"Sally's parenting time with the child will be suspended during the summer, winter, and spring school holidays, during which periods the following holiday access schedule will prevail...."</blockquote>
Where there has been a history of difficulties, the court will generally be prepared to provide specific terms setting out the parenting arrangements.
===Reducing time with a child===