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Changing parenting time and contact
===Reducing time with a child===
Cases where the in which orders, awards and agreements about parenting schedule in an order or agreement has time and contact have been varied to reduce a personsomeone's parenting time with a child include in or contact have included circumstances wheresuch as when:
*a party has moved far enough away as to make so that the original access schedule has become impossible to comply with,*a mature an older child has expressed a wish not to see the persona party, or a wish to see them less often,*a party has suffered developed a mental or physical illness, such that the children's health and welfare are at risk in their care,*the parties' relationship between the adults has worsened to the point that they can no longer cooperatewith each other,*a party has attempted to interfere with the a child's relationship with the other another party, or*the party's spending time with the child a party is proving harmful to the childchildren's mental or physical health and welfare.
Where there are allegations involving mental health issues, substance abuse, parenting capacity, or the children's wishes, it is often essential to have a psychologist , psychiatrist, clinical counsellor or psychiatrist social worker provide a report or an assessment of the needs of the child, the views of the child, and or the ability of each of the child's caregivers to meet the child's needs. The types of These assessments that are available to parties to a family law case in British Columbia are discussed in more detail at the start under section 211 of the ''[[Children in Family Law Matters#Reports and assessments|Children in Family Law MattersAct]] chapter'' and can be critical to give the court the information it needs about the best interests of the child before it changes an order, under the heading [[Children in Family Law Matters#Reports and assessments|Reports and Assessments]]award or agreement about parenting time or contact.
===Increasing time with a child===
Of course, orders, awards and agreements about parenting schedules time and contact can also be changed to increase the amount of time a person has with a child. Circumstances where Cases in which this has happened include wherehave included circumstances such as when:
*a child has grown older and more mature, better able to handle longer amounts of time with one or more parties,*a party was interfering has interfered with the a child's relationship with the other another party, so that more time was required to restore the relationship,
*a party was interfering with and unreasonably limiting the time provided to the other person in an order or agreement,
*a problem that had been limiting the time the child is older and able to could spend more time away from with a party, such as long work hours, ill-health or a parentproblem with substance abuse, has resolved, or*a an older child over the age of eleven or twelve or so has expressed a wish to see a party more of the other personoften.
These are just a few of the circumstances in which a person's time with the a child can be increased from the amount given provided in an order , award or agreement. As long as there has been a change in circumstances since the order , award or agreement about parenting time or contact was made and the increased time is in the children's best interests, access arrangements should schedules can be adjusted.
==Resources and links==