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Vague schedules
Applications to change orders about parenting time under the ''Family Law Act'' are made under section 47 of the act, and applications to change orders about contact are made under section 60. Applications to change awards about parenting time and contact are made under section 19.18(3). Applications to change agreements about parenting time are made under section 44(4) of the act, and applications to change agreements about contact are made under section 58(4).
===Vague Clarifying vague schedules===
Problems often crop up when an order, award or agreement says only that a party will have "liberal and generous time" with a child, or sets a schedule that is too vague, like a schedule that says the children will be with a party "every other weekend." In situations like this, it's too easy for a schedule not to work. What is "liberal and generous time" anyway? And who decides what is "liberal" and what is "generous?" When does the "weekend" start, Friday after school or after work, or on Saturday like the calendar says? What happens if there's a holiday Friday or Monday attached to the weekend, does the "weekend" include the holiday as well?