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Child Support Arrears

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Agreements for child support
Arrears that have accumulated under a separation agreement are owed because of the promises each party made to the other when they signed the agreement. A separation agreement is a contract that can be enforced in court, just like any other contract.
Agreements for support are most easily enforced by filing them in court. Once they are filed in court, agreements can be enforced just like as if they are court orders. (Although agreements can still be enforced under the law of contracts, it's a lot simpler to file them in court and take care of it that way.) Section 148(2) of the ''[[Family Law Act]]'' says:
<blockquote><tt>A written agreement respecting child support that is filed in the court is enforceable under this Act and the ''Family Maintenance Enforcement Act'' as if it were an order of the court.</tt></blockquote>