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Basic Principles of Parenting after Separation

1 byte added, 04:31, 21 September 2022
Parental responsibilities, decision-making responsibility and parenting time
==Parental responsibilities, decision-making responsibility and parenting time==
Under the federal ''[[Divorce Act]]'', someone who is a "spouse" may have ''decision-making responsibility'' and ''parenting time'' with a child. Under the provincial ''[[Family Law Act]]'', someone who is a "guardian" may have ''parental responsibilities'' and ''parenting time'' with a child. The difference in language can be a bit confusing, but you can assume that "decision-making responsibility" under the ''Divorce Act'' means pretty much the same thing as "parental responsibilities" under the ''Family Law Act'', and that "parenting time" means the same thing under both statuesstatutes.
Under the ''Divorce Act'', the parts of an order that talk about decision-making responsibility and parenting time is called a "parenting order." A "parenting plan" is the part of a document, usually an agreement between spouses, that talks about decision-making responsibility and parenting time.