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Basic Principles of Parenting after Separation

4 bytes added, 04:43, 21 September 2022
Parental responsibilities and parenting time under the Family Law Act
This section says a few important things. First, guardians are presumed to exercise all parental responsibilities until an order or agreement says otherwise, and guardians are required to consult with each other in the exercise of these responsibilities.
Second, if you do have an order or agreement, the order or agreement can require all of a child's guardians to share certain parental responsibilities or divide parental responsibilities so that a particular responsibility may only be exercised by one or more guardians acting on their own. For example, in one family, Guardian A and Guardian B might both have parental responsibility for making decisions about the child's schooling and health care, while Guardian A has sole responsibility for making decisions about the child's extracurricular activities and Guardian B has sole responsibility for making decisions about the child's language instruction.
Third, the court must not make any assumptions about how parental responsibilities and parenting time are to be shared, equally or otherwise.