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Family Violence and Child Protection

1,686 bytes added, 22:33, 15 August 2023
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===Protection concerns===
What circumstances should raise a concern that a child needs protection? Section 13 of the ''CFCSA'' saysprovides specific circumstances for when a child needs protection, but essentially protection is required where:* the child has been or may be physically harmed by a parent;* the child has been or may be sexually abused or exploited by a parent;* the child has been or may be harmed, sexually abused, or exploited by another person, and the parent can't or won't protect the child;* the child has been or may be physically harmed due to parental neglect;* the child is emotionally harmed by a parent's conduct or by living in a situation with domestic violence;* the child lacks necessary health care;* the child's development may be seriously impaired by a treatable condition, and the parent refuses to allow treatment;** the parent can't or won't care for the child and hasn't made adequate arrangements for care;* the child has been in a situation that endangers their safety or well-being;* the child's parent is dead and no adequate provision has been made for care;* the child has been abandoned without adequate care;* the child is in the care of a director or someone else by agreement, and the parent won't or can't resume care when the agreement ends.For subsections (1)(b) and (1)(c), sexual abuse or exploitation includes being encouraged or coerced into prostitution.For subsections (1)(a) and (1)(c), the likelihood of physical harm increases when the child is living in a situation with domestic violence.Emotional harm means the child shows severe anxiety, depression, withdrawal, self-destructive or aggressive behaviour.A child does not need protection solely due to socioeconomic conditions like poverty, lack of housing, or a parent's health condition.  
<blockquote><tt>13 (1) A child needs protection in the following circumstances:</tt></blockquote>
<blockquote><blockquote><tt>(a) if the child has been, or is likely to be, physically harmed by the child's parent;</tt></blockquote></blockquote>