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Family Violence in the Family Law Act and the Divorce Act

219 bytes added, 20:14, 1 September 2023
Family violence under the Family Law Act
==Family violence under the ''Family Law Act''==
Family violence is dealt with under the The ''[[Family Law Act]]'' when there are questions aboutaddresses family violence in the context of:* protecting an at-risk family member from another family member, and/or
* parenting arrangements and what is in the best interests of a child.
Part 9 of the ''Act'' (sections 182-191) deals with protection orders. These are special orders that can restrain restrict a family member from communicating with, following, or going near another family member. They can restrict possession of weapons, or direct police officers to assist in removing people or belongings from possessing weaponsresidences. If the terms of a protection orders are broken the person may be criminally charged for breaking a court order. Protection orders are sent to a Protection Order Registry by Court Services and enforced under the ''Criminal Code.''
Part 10, Division 5 of the ''Act'' deals with conduct orders, which are a category of orders used to manage behaviours which might frustrate resolution of family matters. Conduct orders can also restrain a family member from communicating with, following, or going near another family member, but are enforced in family court.