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{{JP Boyd on Family Law How Do I TOC|expanded=defending}}
While the new Provincial Court Family Rules and its forms no longer call one party the ''applicant'' and the other party the ''respondent'', these terms are still used around the courthouse and in published reasons for judgment. Once you have been served with the other party's Form 3 ''Application About a Family Law Matter'', that person becomes the applicant, and you become the respondent. You have 30 days to file a form called a Form 6 ''Reply to an Application About a Family Law Matter''. Form 6 , which is available at provincial court registries or online. A copy may have been delivered to you with the Form 3 Application About a Family Law Matter.
As the respondent, you must file your Form 6 reply at the same court registry that the Form 3 application was filed, and you can tell which registry this is by looking at the box at the upper right-hand corner of the form. There are no fees charged to file your Form 6 Reply to an Application About a Family Law Matter.