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How to Make a Priority Parenting Application
Unlike ordinary applications for family law orders using Form 3, which allow 30 days for the other side to prepare their reply—and which are meant to deal with child or spousal support issues, or to decide parenting arrangements, guardianship, and contact with a child—priority parenting matters are designed to be expedited due to their urgent nature. A typical court application process emphasizes fair timelines that give all parties opportunity to prepare, but a priority parenting matter does not. Instead it bypasses other steps that would normally take place if only a Form 3 Application About a Family Law Matter were filed. The court may allow priority parenting matter applications to proceed with less than 7 days' notice or even without notice to the other party in special circumstances.
===How to Make make a Priority Parenting Applicationpriority parenting matter application===
To make an application for a priority parenting matter that gives the other side at least seven days notice, you will need to complete and file a Form 15 Application About Priority Parenting Matter. You should consider using the BC Government's new online form filing service which walks you through and automates much of the application process. See the online [ Apply for a Family Law Act Order] tool.