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Access to Family Justice

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Limited scope legal services
====Limited scope legal services====
The idea of ''unbundled legal services'' or ''limited scope retainers'' (which mean the same thing) , is now appealing to something more lawyersare exploring, and many family law lawyers are offering these arrangements in the course of their private practice.
To work on an ''"unbundled'' " or ''"limited scope'' " basis means that, instead of the usual sort of retainer where a lawyer expects to handle all aspects of a file from start to finish, the lawyer will work with their client to identify the specific service services they will offer while the client does the rest. The sort of legal services that are best suited to a limited scope approach include:
#drafting affidavits and applications;,#preparing legal opinions;,#completing court forms, including financial statements; ,#evaluating or drafting settlement proposals; , and
#coaching the client through the litigation process.
A directory of lawyers offering unbundled legal services is available online at [].
===Progress in libraries===