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Access to Family Justice

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Other sources of legal information and assistance
CLBC can also help people find relevant course materials from CLEBC on specific topics within family law, as well as precedents and how to tips on court procedure from other legal publishers.
===Other sources of legal information and assistanceProgress by other groups===
Law students, paralegals, and others also deserve major credit for their effortsto improve access to family justice in British Columbia.
[ Amicus Curiae] is a volunteer -driven program that offers workshops on filling forms and completing paperwork for court. It involves paralegals, new lawyers, law students, law librarians, and accountants, all supervised by lawyers.
The Law Students Legal Advice Program at UBC's law school has been providing assistance through supervised law student clinicians for decades, while the Law Centre Clinic at the University of Victoria, and the Community Legal Clinic at Thompson Rivers University do the same. The degree of family law assistance may be limited, but some assistance is offered.
And there There are many other services that I have not haven't mentioned here due to space, of course. I encourage you Go to go through the [ Clicklaw website] to explore other options for help with family law.
==What else needs to be done?==