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Access to Family Justice

131 bytes added, 19:29, 28 November 2023
Progress by other groups
[ Amicus Curiae] is a volunteer-driven program that offers workshops on filling forms and completing paperwork for court. It involves paralegals, new lawyers, law students, law librarians and accountants, all supervised by lawyers.
The [ Law Students Legal Advice Program ] at UBC's law school has been providing assistance through supervised law student clinicians for decades, while the [ Law Centre Clinic ] clinic at the University of Victoria, and the [ Community Legal Clinic ] at Thompson Rivers University do the same. The degree of family law assistance may be limited, but some assistance is offered.
There are many other organizations and services I haven't mentioned, of course. Go to the [ Clicklaw website] to explore other options for help with family law.
==What else needs to be done?==