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Collaborative Processes

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The parties produce their documents and information to the other on the understanding that the information, except for certain legal documents like financial statements, and the content of the negotiations will never be used in court and will remain private and confidential between the people involved in the collaborative process.
===Starting NegotiationsDiscussions===
Once full disclosure has been made, the parties then begin to negotiate the terms of talk about what their personal interests and expectations are, and about what potential settlements might look like. This can be a short process or a settlementlong process, relying depending on the advice and input complexity of their respective lawyers the emptional issues and the other team members distance between the outcomes each party hopes to craft a resolution which both parties are as happy with as possibleacheive. You can expect that this will It may be necessary to delay things to get financial advice or for a process of mutual compromiseproperty or business to be valued, to get some counselling, and that neither of you will wind up with or to get an agreement which reflects your original positions!opintion from the child specialist.
Discussions between the parties and their lawyers will continue until a resolution is reached with which both parties are as happy as possible. You may want to have can expect that this will be a look at the segment "Tips for Successful Mediation" in the <span style="color: red;">Alternatives to Court > Mediation</span> chapter for information about communications skills process of mutual compromise, and that can be helpful during the negotiation processultimate resolution will reflect neither party's original position.
Along the way, depending on the nature of the issues, one or more interim temporary agreements may be reached. These are not meant to be a final determination of the issues, rather they are temporary, stop-gap issues designed solutions intended to deal with issues problems like the sale of the family home if money is needed, the parties' time with the children over holidays, and so forth. These interim agreements will fall all be repleaced by the wayside when a final agreement is reached.
You may want to have a look at the discussion "Tips for Successful Mediation" in the <span style===Drafting "color: red;">Alternatives to Court > Mediation</span> page for information about communications skills that can be helpful during the Final Agreeement===negotiation process.
The terms of ===Signing the resolution are then put into either a formal separation agreement or are drafted as an order that the parties will ask the court to make by consent.Final Agreeement===
===Downloads=== The link below terms of the settlement will open be put into either a sample participation formal separation agreement in a new windowby one of the lawyers. You The parties and the other lawyer will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this file, a free program available all be asked for download from Adobe Softwarecomment and changes and adjustments will be made before the separation agreement is signed.
In this sample, our fictitious parties, Jane Doe and John Doe, are entering into a participation The collaborative process normally ends with the signing of the final agreement with their lawyers, Alice Smith and Sylvia Black.
Participation AgreementThis sample document is just that: Have a sample. While it represents a more or less accurate picture of how these sorts of agreements might look, it may not be applicable to your situation nor may it reflect at the agreement you will enter into if you chose the collaborative law process. Use it as <span style="color: red;">Family Agreements > Sepration Agreeements</span> page for a reference onlydiscussion about separation agreements and their effect.
==The Team==
This person is another neutral party whose job is to represent the interests of the children, without any loyalty duty to either parent. While all the members of the process are concerned about the best interests of the children, the purposes of the child specialist are to ensure that the children remain a primary concern, that the parties develop a proper parenting plan, and to help identify and address issues regarding the children's future care.
==Further Reading in this Chapter== Return to the<span style="color: red;">first page</span> in this chapter. * <span style="color: red;">Mediation</span>* <span style="color: red;">Arbitration</span>* <span style="color: red;">Parenting Coordination</span> ==Page Resources, Links & Resourcesand Downloads== ===Collaborative Pratice Groups and Rosters=== * <span style="color: red;">bulleted list of linked groups referred to in page</span> ===Links=== * <span style="color: red;">bulleted list of linked external websites referred to in page</span> ===Downloads=== The link below will open a sample participation agreement in a new window. You will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this file, a free program available for download from Adobe Software. In this sample, our fictitious parties, Jane Doe and John Doe, are entering into a participation agreement with their lawyers, Alice Smith and Sylvia Black. Participation AgreementThis sample document is just that: a sample. While it represents a more or less accurate picture of how these sorts of agreements might look, it may not be applicable to your situation nor may it reflect the agreement you will enter into if you chose the collaborative law process. Use it as a reference only.
list of links mentioned in page
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