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Parenting Coordination

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{{JP Boyd on Family Law TOC}}
NOT FINISHED. MUST BE EDITED. Parenting coordination is a child-focused dispute resolution process for separated families which helps to resolve issues about the implementation and interpretation of orders and agreements on parenting issues. Parenting coordinators are experienced family law lawyers and mediators, counsellors, social workers and psychologists.
This chapter provides a brief introduction to parenting coordination, an overview overview of the process and links to some additional resources on parenting coordination.
Parenting coordination usually does not deal with child support or children's special expenses, however if the parents and the parenting coordinator agree, the parenting coordinator may assist the parents with things like:
* reviews of child support, where the review is required by an order or agreement;* deciding which expenses qualify as a special expenses; and,* determining the amount of each parent's contribution to the children's special expenses. 
Many parenting coordinators won't address these issues. The parenting coordinators most likely to agree to address them are those parenting coordinators who are also family law lawyers.
The parents and their parenting coordinator will sign a parenting coordination agreement that talks about the scope of the parenting coordinator's services and authority, how parenting problems will be addressed, and how the parents will handle paying the coordinator's fees. (In general, the parenting coordinator's fees will be split equally between the parents, unless they agree otherwise or the parenting coordinator has a good reason to assign responsibility for a certain amount of fees to a particular parent.) It is always helpful if the key terms of the parenting coordination agreement are set out in the order or agreement appointing the parenting coordinator, including:
* the scope of the issues the parenting coordinator may address;any special issues the parents need the parenting coordinator to address;* a description of the dispute resolution process, including the parenting coordinator's ability arbitrate a dispute in the event consensus cannot be reached;* confirming that the parenting coordination process is not confidential;* the duration of the parenting coordinator's contract; and,* the circumstances in which the parenting coordinator can withdraw from a case. 
The parents must each then pay their share of the parenting coordinator's retainer. Like with a lawyer, the retainers paid to the parenting coordinator act as security for his or her future bills; when those bills are issued, the parenting coordinator will pay him- or herself with the retainer. Some parenting coordinator's will also ask for an addditional deposit. This money is held in reserve to enable the parenting coordinator to finish dealing with a problem in the event that a parent's retainer runs out in the middle of a dispute and the parent refuses to provide an additional retainer.
Where there is a problem, the parenting coordinator will listen to the parenting raising the issue and then contact the other parent to get his or her take on things. Depending on the nature of the parents and the nature of the problem, the parenting coordinator may attempt to mediate a resolution between the parents or may arbitrate the dispute. If mediation is required, the parenting coordinator may:
* meet with the parents separately or together about the issue;* interview the children to get their input on the issue;* speak to the children's counsellors, doctors, teachers, instructors or coaches; or,* speak to any other third party who may have helpful information about the issue. 
Parenting coordinators only arbitrate as a last resort, usually because the problem is urgent and must be dealt with quickly or because mediation has failed to reach an agreement. Where arbitration is required, the parenting coordinator will provide the parents with a written statement of his or her decision and the reasons for that decision.
While the parenting coordinator will always try to mediate an agreement before making a decision, the steps the parenting coordinator takes to resolve a problem will change depending on the nature of the dispute and the urgency with which resolution must be reached.
At the end of the parenting coordinator's retainer, all parties (the parents and the parenting coordinator) must agree to renew the parenting coodination coordination agreement.
The link below will open a sample collaborative process participation agreement in a new window. You may require a PDF reader to view this file; Adobe Acrobat Reader is a free PDF reader available for download from <span style="color: red;">Adobe Software</span>. In this sample, Jane Doe and John Doe are entering into a participation agreement with their lawyers, Alice Smith and Sylvia Black.
:::: <span style="color: red;">Participation Parenting Coordination Agreement</span> (PDF)
This sample document is just that: a sample. While it represents a more or less accurate picture of how these sorts of agreements might look, it may not be applicable to your situation and may not reflect the terms of the agreement you will sign if you decide to use a collaborative settlement process. Use it as a reference only.