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Template:JP Boyd on Family Law How Do I TOC

No change in size, 23:48, 3 April 2013
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{{·}}[[How Do I Hire a Parenting Coordinator?|Hire a Parenting Coordinator?]]
| list6name = agreements| list6title = Agreements| list6 = {{·}}[[How Do I Execute a Family Law Agreement?|Execute a Family Law Agreement?]] {{·}}[[How Do I Change a Family Law Agreement?|Change a Family Law Agreement?]] {{·}}[[How Do I File an Agreement in Court?|File an Agreement in Court?]] | list7name = starting| list6title list7title = Starting an Action| list6 list7 =
{{·}}[[How Do I Find My Ex?|Find My Ex?]]
{{·}}[[How Do I Stop a Family Law Action in the Supreme Court?|Stop an Action in the Supreme Court?]]
| list7name list8name = defending| list7title list8title = Defending an Action| list7 list8 =
{{·}}[[How Do I Respond to a Family Law Action in the Provincial Court?|Respond in Provincial Court?]]
{{·}}[[How Do I Stop Defending a Family Law Action in the Supreme Court?|Stop Defending in Supreme Court?]]
| list8name list9name = interim| list8title list9title = Interim Applications| list8 list9 =
{{·}}[[How Do I Make an Interim Application in a Family Law Matter in the Provincial Court?|Make an Application in Provincial Court?]]
| list9name list10name = affidavits| list9title list10title = Affidavits | list9 list10 =
{{·}}[[How Do I Prepare an Affidavit?|Prepare an Affidavit?]]
{{·}}[[How Do I Fix an Error in an Affidavit or Add to an Affidavit?|Fix an Error in an Affidavit or Add to One?]]
| list10name list11name = protocol | list10title list11title = Courtroom Protocol | list10 list11 =
{{·}}[[How Do I Address the Judge?|Address the Judge?]]
{{·}}[[How Do I Conduct Myself in Court at an Application?|Conduct Myself in Court at an Application?]]
| list11name list12name = appeals| list11title list12title = Appealing a Decision| list11 list12 =
{{·}}[[How Do I Appeal a Provincial Court Decision?|Appeal a Provincial Court Decision?]]
{{·}}[[How Do I Appeal a Court of Appeal Decision?|Appeal a Court of Appeal Decision?]]
| list12name list13name = other| list12title list13title = Other Litigation Issues| list12 list14 =
{{·}}[[How Do I Schedule a Family Case Conference for Hearing?|Schedule a Family Case Conference?]]
{{·}}[[How Do I Change My Address for Service?|Change My Address for Service?]]
| list13name = agreements
| list13title = Agreements
| list13 =
{{·}}[[How Do I Execute a Family Law Agreement?|Execute a Family Law Agreement?]]
{{·}}[[How Do I Change a Family Law Agreement?|Change a Family Law Agreement?]]
{{·}}[[How Do I File an Agreement in Court?|File an Agreement in Court?]]