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<li>I am the Claimant in this matter, and as such have personal knowledge of the facts hereinafter deposed to.
<li>I make this my affidavit to supplement the evidence given in my second affidavit, sworn in this matter on 1 April 2012 (the "Second Affidavit").
<li>At paragraph 32 of the Second Affidavit, I describe how the Respondent and I bought our 1978 Chevy Pinto. I have now found the sale receipt for that purchase, which shows that I paid all of the downpayment. Attached to this my Affidavit as '''EXHIBIT "A"''' is a true copy of the sales receipt, dated 1 April 2002.
<li>At paragraph 44 of the Second Affidavit, I discuss how the Respondent and I bought the green filing cabinet. I have had the chance to give further thought to this purchase, and I now recall that it had four drawers. I accidentally omitted this fact in the Second Affidavit.